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website bxsc dylan plank 23.7.22
Here are the 11 principles of training you should keep in mind if you want to feel, look and move your best daily and be pain free and physically healthy when you’re 90.
Note; these are the ‘process principles’ involved in maximising your training in relation to discipline, mindset and adherence.
I will do seperate list on the ‘scientific principles’ of strength training / aerobic training etc in a different blog series.
Here they are:
  1. Decide on your why and constantly reaffirm it
  2. Set your schedule and commit to it
  3. Train 4 – 6 times a week and add extra physical activity another 2 – 4 times
  4. Time + Effort x Consistency = Results
  5. Auto regulate as needed
  6. Recovery is not resting
  7. Train to improve performance and character not looks
  8. Fall in love with the process
  9. Regularly set & complete new goals
  10. Prioritise capability, strength, mobility and fitness in that order
  11. Work on technique first, range of motion second then add load last
I want to highlight the first one today and each post I will highlight a different one.
  1. Decide on your why and constantly reaffirm it
Your why and values dictate your direction in life and the day to day decisions you make.

You are either constantly creating the outcomes of your life or they are being created for you. Having a strong why gives context to each and every decision you make, and this proves especially useful in times for times when you ‘don’t feel like it’.
A strong why pushes you to do what you know you need to.An example of a strong why is;
“I train, eat well and take care of my body 5 days a week so I can be strong, healthy, energetic and disease free when i’m 90 and be an exceptional example of health to my family so they can reap the same benefits”.
Another example is“I am fixing my lifestyle habits so I can get down to a healthy weight and get off my blood pressure and diabetes medication”.
Concreting this deep why within your soul provides strength and discipline so you know WHY you’re putting it all this work and so you have the strength to do it, because your why is important.
The next step is to reinforce it daily.
Write it down, look it daily and constantly evaluate and evolve it based on what is going on in your life.
Tell me, what is your WHY?