Boys! Ditch the machines and the arm only gym sessions..

It has to stop!!
Youth athletes and teenagers are starting the gym at a younger age than ever before but are wasting more time than ever before..
They go for an hour but spend at least 20 minutes on their phone…
They don’t warm up adequately…
They only stick to machines…
They do ‘bro splits’ from people they see on instagram…
They do hour sessions dedicated only to arms…
No concept of rest periods / tempo / intent…
Their only goal is to ‘get big’ if they’re a boy or ‘tone up’ if they’re a girl…
And the end result?
A bunch of teenagers who are severely wasting an opportunity to not only develop exceptional movement patterns and strength but realise their own physical and mental potetential
The gym, especially programs which are coached by qualified by S&C coaches, provide huge opportunities to enrich teenagers lives for years to come…
Below I want to provide a sample S&C program that can be done three days a week.
Day 1. Full Body Strength
Warm – Up:
5 – 10 Minutes Dynamic Movement Prep including hip opening, t-spine opening, landing mechanics
A1. Paused Goblet Squat, 12, 12, 10, 10
A2. Single Leg Broad Jump to Double Leg Landing 4 x 5 ES
B1. DB Floor Press 3 x 12 @30X0
B2. Pull Ups 3 x 12 @30X0
C1. Single Leg Glute Bridge w/ Weight 3 x 12 EL
C2. Farmers Carry 3 x 45m
C3. Tall Plank 3 x 30 sec
Day 2 Full Body Strength
Warm – Up:
5 – 10 Minutes Dynamic Movement Prep including hip opening, t-spine opening, landing mechanics
A1. KB Deadlift, 12, 12, 10, 10
A2. Hurdle Jumps 4 x 5
B1. Sled Pull 3 x 30m
B2. 1 Arm Z Press 3 x 12 ES
C1. Ring Rows 3 x 12
C2. DB Split Squat 3 x 12 EL
C3. Weighted Plank 3 x 30 sec
Day 3: Speed / Power / Conditioning / Arms
Warm – Up:
5 – 10 Minutes Dynamic Movement Prep including hip opening, t-spine opening, landing mechanics
A1. Sprints 6 x 30m
A2. Foam Roll / Mobility
B1. Box Jumps 5 x 5
B2. Medball Throw 5 x 5
C1. Rowing 6 x 90 seconds on, 60 seconds off
D1. 50 Reps Biceps
D2. 50 Reps Triceps
Following a structured plan like this under the eyes of a professional turns an hour that’s as purposeful as playing video games for the afternoon into an experience which builds physical health, strength, resilience and mental character.
Don’t waste that hour folks!