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What is the best plan to start working out at the gym again?

What is the best plan to start working out at the gym again?

If you’ve had some time off from training and know that you need to get back into exercise but don’t know where to start.. Then this blog is for you.

I’m going to outline a quick, understandable plan that we use to help people get back into training after years off with confidence, enthusiasm and immediate results.


The first step is to get an idea of our goals and the possible obstacles behind it.

Take out your journal and ask your selves these questions;

What do you want to achieve? 3 months? A year?

2. Why is now the right time to do it? Why not six weeks or six months ago? Why not?

3. From 1 – 10, how committed are you to actually making this change in your life?
1   2    3    4    5    6     7    8     9     10

     3b. If you didn’t say 10, then highlight what’s stopping you from saying 10, and what you need to increase the urgency

4. How do I keep myself on track when I want to quit?


Make sure you really take stock of your answers and evaluate what you need to focus on and how to motivate and inspire yourself to keep doing the work.

Then the second step is to get a picture of your health

**Side note, we do all this in our free 30-minute consult at the gym where we give you our professional advice on what plan you need to improve all metrics gathered here today.

Our consult goes into depth about this portion, but for right now, just simply jot down how you’ve felt at the moment if you have any injuries and make sure to keep that in your mind when planning your exercise later on.


The third step is to then plan out your initial phase, we call this the momentum phase.

This is the first 6 weeks where you ride the motivation and motivation to get some quick wins.

In our consult we map out a specific plan for you, your goals and your needs, but for this blog let me give you a random example of how it might play out.

For the first two weeks, you will organise 4 personal training sessions (2 x a week) to learn all the key movement patterns and dial in your technique so you do things safely and can get very fast results.

You will also pair those sessions with dialling in your nutrition, some light walking and some at-home workouts.

I will highlight what it could look like below (without the nutrition);

Week 1.
Day 1: 30-minute walk

Day 2: Lower Body focused personal training session

Day 3: At-home conditioning (10-20 minutes) programmed by your PT

Day 4: 30-minute walk

Day 5: Upper Body focused personal training session

Day 6: 30-minute walk

Day 7: Rest


Week 2. Your PT will switch up the movements and teach you new exercises here.
Day 1: 30-minute walk

Day 2: Lower Body focused personal training session

Day 3: At-home conditioning (10-20 minutes) programmed by your PT

Day 4: 30-minute walk

Day 5: Upper Body focused personal training session

Day 6: 30-minute walk

Day 7: Rest


The purpose of these 4 weeks is to build up a gentle exercise practice that can get you started off on the right track under the guidance of a personal.

In the next 4 weeks of the momentum, phase is when you start to amp it up a bit.
You either take the reigns yourself or go to a structured group training class program.
Your goal now is to pick 4 days from this list below and attend them and add walking on the other days, allowing one rest day.

Remember, we are still keeping the intensity low, not going too heavy and just focusing on our form and habit.

Day 1: Lower Body

Day 2: Upper Body

Day 3: Conditioning

Day 4: Lower Body
Day 5: Upper Body
Day 6: Conditioning

Day 7: Rest


You continue this pattern over the next 4 weeks under the watchful eyes of your coaches and add the end of the total 6 weeks you sit down with a coach and complete another goal review and then make a plan for yourself moving forward.

If you’ve followed this plan for 6 weeks with diligence and also were working on your nutrition, then believe me you’ll have some nice wins and results to brag about as well, so make sure to celebrate a little.

Do you want me and my team to help create a similar, full proof plan for you and your health goals?

Simply book a consult below and lets get started